Transforming data during Azure cloud migration with the Aiimi Insight Engine.
Our AI-powered solution enables the renewable energy company to migrate its enriched legacy assets to one cloud-based Azure archive. This Azure Cloud Migration means RES can now discover critical historic information, comply with regulations, and manage its data.
RES (Renewable Energy Systems), the world’s largest independent renewable energy company, has selected Aiimi’s AI-powered data platform, the Aiimi Insight Engine, to make 5.7 terabytes of critical historical data easily discoverable and migrate the information to an Azure-hosted archive.
The organisation’s legacy Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system will be decommissioned, with 3.1 million historical documents and records, pertinent to assets and operational and regulatory requirements, migrated to a new Azure-hosted archive. Through further enrichment steps and classification, the Aiimi Insight Engine will ensure all these documents are labelled and made discoverable.
This data migration work is expected to see RES reduce its CO2 impact by 1.6 million kg over five years (2,700 acres of forest would be needed to absorb that CO2) as a direct result of migrating to Azure cloud, compared to hosting its applications on-premises.
The Azure cloud migration will also enable RES to scale down its data centre requirements and, in the process, replace 27 on-premises servers from three geographies with a single, cloud-based node of the Aiimi Insight Engine. Read the full press release >>
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Having delivered world-leading energy projects for more than 40 years, we understand the value of advanced technology and data capabilities for innovation and continuous improvement. The capabilities and potential of the Aiimi Insight Engine align with our ongoing transformation roadmap, which seeks to uncover and harness the true power and potential of advanced data and cloud technology.